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Selasa, 28 Agustus 2012

Traveled In A Thousand Island

Thousand Islands in Indonesia Java Sea. Only 75 minutes by speed boat from Jakarta you can already dream vacation to the island. But you do not worry, because we have access to the island of a thousand. We also have set up a cheap vacation package for your holiday event giving an unforgettable feel. For that please you decide which island you want to go with the specifications below.

Pantara Island Attraction

if you like the water games such as banana boating, snorkeling, diving and other water games on the island is perfect for you. pantara island all the facilities you enjoy a happy buffer. if you like meeting with a new atmosphere, the island now offers meeting room facilities, a picturesque cottage, bars and other entertainment venues.

Putri Island Attraction

attraction which one is the most interesting in my opinion. island princess you can find one with a pool aquarium and sea. fasilitan that is here is quite interesting include: bannana bat, bee water, swimming pools, and tennis courts. curious? try to travel there!

Ayer Island Attraction

anyer island is one of the attractions that have unique thousand island that have fresh water sources. on this island there are two types, namely the existing cottage on land (cottage) and floating on springs (floating cottage). well, here you can enjoy the view of the vast sea and hear the beautiful sound of the waves. wow, that sounds exciting huh? If you intend the road then there are two of walking or cycling. facilities provided by the island is full of them:

sports and games
1. cacnoe
2. jetsky
3. banana
4. volly ball
5. bicycle
6. basketball, etc.

other facilities
1. places to shop (mini market)
2. restaurant
3. meeting room
4. swimming pool
5. and the fishing

Bidadari Island Attraction

angel island there are several attractions such as historical relics. such as VOC fortress, cannons, and inscriptions. angel island atmosphere unlike any other tourist attractions. nah, other than historical relics you can see the cottage which was built between trees that menaba beautiful island

Kotok Island Attractions

nah, for you who are looking for a romantic island seems right for you. kotok attraction atmosphere is very quiet island with decorated mangroves growing on the beautiful white sand. a very beautiful sea view I'm sure you will not regret traveled there.

Pelangi Island Attraction

if you traveled to the island you will see a rainbow of shade trees with leaves. not much different from uninteresting island attraction attraction also offers several facilities such as diving, tennis, health center, fishing, and guesthouses.

Pramuka Island Attraction

the scenery and beauty of the sea scout attractions on the island is very impressive and is not inferior to other attractions thousand islands. with full amenities may be your destination

Tidung Island Attraction

for those of you who love photography tidung island attractions perfect for you. beautiful coastal scenery and the natural state of ecosystems attraction you should never miss. indeed a new experience if you go there.

Sepa Island Attraction

if you want to see the beauty beneath the sea, the island pair is suitable for you. If you have a hobby of diving, uninteresting island is suitable for you. and there is also a fishing spot on the island

Minggu, 26 Agustus 2012

Cheap Travel Jakarta

Jakarta ....?
You are definitely in the shadow of a crowded city, dirty, full of crime. but behind it all, there are some places that are not less interesting in jakarta. This place is very interesting because we can get a wide range of knowledge and also cheap. and this is some of the tourist attractions are cheap and good

1. Gedung Joang 45

Building Joang '45 or Joang Museum is one of 45 museums in Jakarta. Currently, management is carried out by the Department of Tourism and Culture, Jakarta. The museum is located at Jalan Menteng 31, Village Kebon Sirih, District Menteng, Central Jakarta. The museum was inaugurated in 1974 by President Soeharto, after renovation.


Joang Museum opened to the public in 45 activities, visitors or participants can register for the activity may be involved in museum activities. In this case the Museum Joang 45 acts as a facilitator. Several activities are being developed including Museum: 
Regular Activities:
Visit Package A, Tour Museum, Guide, Watch a Movie, Quiz Prize Doorpize
Visits Package B , participants were 20 children (Wearing a warrior costume, with Military Museum Tour, Guided games, action Theatre, Watching Movies, Quizzes Doorpize),
Visits Package C, Watching Movies Struggle Visitor Options, a maximum of 100 people
Visits Package D, regular visits, visitors are not limited in number
Temporary Activity:
A.   Week Joang Museum, open to the public (Cedas Competition Quiz, Poetry Contest)
B     Discussion of Historical People and Events.
C.   Temporary exhibitions, Roving Exhibition.

Museum Facilities

The facilities available to visitors Joang '45 Museum is
1. Permanent and Temporary Exhibition Room with corner multi-media,
2. Joang Cinema 45, Studio aired documentaries and films long struggle.
3. Reference library of scientific history, comes to comics reading kids struggle,
4. Childrenroom, a special room for the creativity of children equipped computer game hero, coloring, puzzles, and games knock-down,
5. Photo Studio, providing fighters to wear costumes visitors and instant photo.
6. Souvenir Shop.
7. Plaza for outdoor activities such as Children's Theatre.

2. Pasar Baru

Pasar Baru is a commercial area centered on Pasar Baru Street, Pasar Baru Village, District Sawah Besar, Central Jakarta. This shopping center was founded in 1820, and is the oldest shopping center in Jakarta.

The south end street adjacent to Pasar Baru Street between South Road and Pasar Baru, and Post Road adjacent to the Jakarta Arts Building. The north end of Pasar Baru Street adjacent to Jalan Haji Kyai Samanhudi, near Metro Pasar Baru and Church Street Chicken. On the left and right of Pasar Baru Road there are clothing stores, textile stores and tailor shops, sporting goods stores and footwear, eyewear stores, jewelry stores and gold.

In Pasar Baru many people live India-Indonesia. One India-Indonesia trade selling fabrics, sports equipment, and footwear in Pasar Baru. In 2002 there were about 2,000 families were registered as residents of India Jakarta, and most of them live in the city center, particularly in the area of Pasar Baru and Pasar Baru area Air.Di door there is also a place of worship the India-Indonesia.

3. Jakarta History Museum

The Jakarta History Museum (Indonesian: Museum Sejarah Jakarta), also known as Fatahillah Museum or Batavia Museum, is located in the Old Town (known as Kota) of Jakarta, Indonesia. The building was built in 1710 as the Stadhuis (city hall) of Batavia. Jakarta History Museum, opened in 1974, displays objects from the prehistory period of the city region, the founding of Jayakarta in 1527, and through the Dutch colonization period from the 16th century until Indonesia’s Independence in 1945. The museum is located in south side of Fatahillah Square (former Batavia city square) near Wayang Museum and Fine Art and Ceramic Museum.


Jakarta History Museum has a collection of around 23,500 objects, some of them inherited from de Oude Bataviasche Museum (now the Wayang Museum). The collection includes objects from the Dutch East Indies Company, historic maps, paintings, ceramics, furnitures, and archeological objects from the prehistoric era such as ancient inscriptions and sword. museum. Jakarta History Museum also contains the richest collection of Betawi style furnitures from the 17th to the 19th century. The collections are divided into several rooms such as Prehistoric Jakarta Room, Tarumanegara Room, Jayakarta Room, Fatahillah Room, Sultan Agung Room, and MH Thamrin Room.
The museum also contains a replica of the Tugu Inscription from the age of Great King Purnawarman, which is the evidence that the center of the Kingdom of Tarumanegara was located around the seaport of Tanjung Priok on the coast of Jakarta. There is also a replica of the 16th century map of the Portuguese Padrao Monument, a historical evidence of the ancient Sunda Kelapa Harbor.

Mobil Amfibi Tercepat di Dunia

Semua pasti pernah mendengar bahkan pernah mendengar hewan seperti kura-kura, kodok, buaya. nah, mereka itu adalah hewan yang tergolong amfibi atau hewan yang hidup di dua alam. Nah, tapi jika mobil amfibi, pasti hanya sedikit orang yang mengerti atau bahkan ada orang yang tidak tahu akan hadirnya mobil yang bisa berjalan di air ataupun di darat.
Nah, pada saat ini sobat haksims akan diberitahu tentang hadirnya mobil amfibi tercepat di dunia.

Apakah Sobat pernah melihat mobil ini ? mobil ini adalah mobil amfibi Sea Lion yang tercepat di dunia.
Mobil ini dibuat oleh Marc Witt dengan menggunakan alumunium dan stainless steel sebagai badan mobil  dan menggunakan mesin mazda 174hp yang mampu membawanya melaju dengan kecepatan 125mph di darat dan melaju dengan kecepatan 60mph di air. Mobil amfibi Sea Lion ini dibuat oleh Marc Witt dengan tujuan mengalahkan mobil amfibi tercepat sebelumnya dengan kecepatan 45mph. Bagi Marc, membuat mobil  Sea Lion ini merupakan pengalaman yang menyenangkan. Ia mampu menampilkan arsitektur dasar dari sebuah mobil dan memecahkan permasalahan dalam menggabungkan konsep mobil dan kapal. Mobil Amfibi Sea Lion ini dibanderol dengan harga US$ 259.500 (sekitar Rp 2,4 miliyar)


Lawakan adalah kumpulan foto foto hasil editing potoshop baik membuat sendiri ataupun searching google

Sekian dari saya, sampai jumpa lagiiiiiiii Jaa Mata Ashita

Mengolah Si Pembersih Kolam

Banyak orang hanya tahu jika ikan ini hanyalah sebagai pembersih akuarium. Padahal ikan yang hidup di air tawar ini mempunyai keistimewaan yaitu mempunyai protein yang cukup tinggi 19,71% dalam 100 g ikan dan  dapat diolah menjadi bahan baku cookies atau kue kering.
Nah, pada saat ini, sobat haksims akan saya beritahu bagaimana mengolah ikan ini menjadi kue kering yang lezaaaat

Pertama ikan sapu-sapu dibuat surumi (daging giling) dengan cara siangi ikan dengan membuang isi perut dan kepalanya. lalu pisahkan daging dari kulitnya yang keras, cuci hingga bersih, kemudian dagingnya dihaluskan menggunakan blender atau giling sampai berbentuk pasta. Selanjutnya membuat krim dengan mencampur mentega, gula, telur, dan susu. setelah menjadi krim, campur dengan tepung terigu dan surimi ikan sapu-sapu tadi. aduk hingga rata menjadi sebuah adonan. lalu cetak sesuai bentuk yang diinginkan  dan kemudian masukan ke dalam oven sampai matang.

klik sini untuk selengkapnya tentang sapu-sapu